Harold “Keith” Fredericksen, the middle son of Harriet and F. Christian Fredericksen, was drafted on November 11, 1943. He elected to join the Army Air Force and became a tailgunner on a B-17, eventually serving with the 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group stationed in England. Shortly before he was drafted, his youngest brother Wesley died of leukemia. Grandma Fred saved Keith's letters home, along with pictures, official goverment telegrams and letters, and all the V-mail. It's from these sources we share this story. The first saved letter arrived in December, 1943 and chronicled the happenings, Keith's boredom, and his worry. With his father seriously ill, Keith attempted to get a farm furlough, desperate to help his mother. She was challenged to manage their two farms, one in the valley and one on the Copeland hillside. Chuck, the oldest son, had been drafted prior to Keith. Orval, the next oldest son, had married and was working up north at a mine. Jack, the youngest son was ill with rheumatic fever, leaving her short-handed for spring planting of the two farms.
The letters continue....
March 2, 1944 - …Arden (Lannigan - Orval's wife's brother) called up his mom tonite just to talk to her. I thought pretty much about calling you up, but then I remember all the nervous strain you go through when a call is coming through. I haven't anything important to tell you anyway.
March 10, 1944 - I haven't the slightest idea when I ship, probably get permanent KP here, oh yeah! It might be a couple of days, it might be a couple of months. It's rough that I can't get that furlough but it's out of the question. Don't work too hard mother and I hope you feel okay Daddy.
March 13, 1944 - I went over and saw the commanding officer this morning. He agreed I should have a furlough alright, then he showed me a stack of paperwork about two high of guys that had tried and never made it. He showed me some of them and they all had good reasons, even some better than me, but it seems you just can't get out of the Air Corps. He wouldn't even let me fill out blanks, said it made so much work for them and it won't do me any good. I'm really afraid they are going to send up to England for our schooling. If I get a fifteen day furlough you just about guess what's going to happen. You won't have to worry about me seeing anything, by the time we're trained the war in Europe will surely be over. But that's just a rumor. I really hate the idea of leaving the states, but I won't be alone there. Look at the Gutheries. But remember, that's just talk.
March 15, 1944 - So the red heifer had a calf, huh, I think I ought to give it to Jack for taking care of my stuff. I don't suppose you are going to milk her…
Las Vegas Army Air Field, Las Vegas, Nevada
March 22, 1944 - Dean and Arden got the jump on me again. Today they moved to a school squadron, they won't start school until Monday, Maybe I can catch up with them by then. I sure hope so, if I do we will all have our furloughs at the same time.
March 26, 1944 - They're trying to catch us up with the other guys. We have to do a week's processing in two days. I'm in a different sqdn. than Dean and Arden so I'll be a week behind them now, but anything can happen. They are in barracks right across the street. There must be some mistake with Jack's pictures. I got two of them. I got one with Jack's swell letter, then the next day I got one from you, Mother. So, I'll send one back, one's a plenty, thanks.
April 2, 1944 - Here it is Sunday and it's the first day I've had off. Could have went to town last night but I didn't feel up to it. I've got a cold in my head and it's bothering my ears. They sure throw the book at you in school. Next week we have to take the 50 cal. machine gun apart and put it back together blindfolded. Dean and Arden start school tomorrow and they will finish a week after I do. Maybe things will work out and we can come home together…..It's too bad you are sick, Jack. I know it's nothing bad, but it makes things tough that's all. ……The last month here we get flying pay, that's time and a half. A soldier gets flying pay if he is in the air at least four hours out of the month. It's going to be good to come home for a few days but it going to be ten times harder to leave home as it ever was before.
April 5, 1944 - Las Vegas is just a little larger than CdA…Yes, I am getting the money so you can stop anytime, I've got more money than I need, unless….we don't get paid this week like we're supposed to…Here is some bad news. They've cut out all the delays in route so I probably won't get home for a while. They might give us a furlough right away after we leave here. …I heard Dale Strickland and that Grass girl got married. What a laugh. The poor kids must be nuts. Dean gets the Herald and I get to read it. Sure hope Dean and I are sent to the same place again. It's sure swell to be able to go over and talk to him in the evening…Don't work too hard.
April 9, 1944 - Friday went out on the range again. Had the most fun since I have been in the Army. They had us shooting the twelve gauge shotgun out of pickups driving about 25 miles an hour. It was really a picnic and we each got 40 shots at targets. This gives us the idea of how to shoot out of planes. We've been running the turrets a lot lately too. I was afraid I wasn't going to like the lower ball, but it's going to be okay, besides being the safest place on the ship.
April 13, 1944 - I guess it's about time I dropped you a line. I wrote a long letter to Chuck last night. He said he was going to get married the 15th, that's rough. It's alright if he is going to be stationed there all the time, but if he is going to be moved around a lot it's bad. I have seen a lot of that already, guys that have had their wives following them all the time and all they do is worry…..I was just thinking Gary must be more than a year old now. I bet I won't even know him when I get home, if I ever do. …I see Dean and Arden every day. I hope we get sent to the same place.
April 21, 1944 - I wrote Orv and Nada a letter night before last. They sent me a swell picture of Gary. Your pictures were swell too. You look so natural, they're really alright…Listen, I just got back from mail call and got your swell package . The cake lasted about five minutes but I got the candy hid….We took our final test last nite and it was really hard. They are trying hard to wash gunners out. A guy has to be on the ball to get there. When I first started I didn't care if I made it or not, but now it would kill me if I got washed out. The only good thing about it is you get your stripes fast and that is what I am after….We draw our flying equipment this afternoon…..Got a letter from Jack C. Wevernell today. He is in Florida…. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.
April 25, 1944 - Went for my first plane ride yesterday. We were up for six hours and I'm telling you that's too long. We shot at the tow targets and ground targets. I could write for hours about it but I'm too tired….I'm glad you are making out okay at home, Charlie D. is a good guy to have around. I was worried about the bond, but I guess Uncle Sam is honest…Please, don't worry about me.
April 28, 1944 - I am glad you are making out okay with the farming. Are you going to plant more alfalfa like you planned, Dad? Jack must be milking about five cows ain't he? I bet that's rough in the morning.
May 3, 1944 Keith's Father, Frederick Christian Fredericksen, dies. The Bonners Ferry Herald says "Funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of one of his sons from the service."
Grandma Fred and Keith, presumably from the funeral
May 18, 1944 - Here I am safe and sound, out at the field. Got [back] into Las Vegas last night about midnight and did just like I planned - stayed in town and came out about noon today. Everything is okay. I'm in the same barracks as some kids I know, so don't worry about me having trouble….Dean and Arden went to Tampa, Florida, everybody seems to think they were going to get furloughs right away. I hope you didn't and don't worry about me.
May 21, 1944 - Well, I finally made it. Yesterday we graduated. I now have the wings of a aerial gunner and am a PFC or as some would say a one stripe sergeant. They told us for sure this morning that we're going to Lincoln. It looks like this is where I lose Dean and Arden for sure. Don't know if Arden or Dean get furloughs or not, if they do and if they give me one, we might be home at the same time.
Lincoln Army Air Force Base, Lincoln, Nebraska
Telegram (undated): Am at Lincoln coming home wire $50 to squadron I LAAF Lincoln Nebraska
June 11, 1944 - Well, I made it. Got to Lincoln about noon, didn't come out to the field until this evening. We went to a show and messed around awhile….They told us not to have letters written to us here. So it looks like we are not going to be here too long.
June 13, 1944 - This time I am writing to tell you to hurry up and write. I've met practically everybody I knew in Las Vegas, that's sqdn #3….I went over and saw Frist at noon today. He told me he had written Jean trying to find out where I was.
June 20, 1944 - I was put on alert. We will be shipped out of here in a couple of days so there is no need of you writing. I haven't any idea of where we are going. We're going to be on B-17's. I found that out.
222 Combat Crew Training School, AAF, Ardmore, Oklahoma
June 26, 1944 - Orders - "The following named enlisted men are hereby placed as combat crew members requiring regular and frequent participation in aerial flights from this date…Harold Keith Fredericksen"
June 26, 1944 - …When we have our gunnery missions we will fly over the Gulf of Mexico. They told us today it would be at least four months before we go over, they also said we were sure to go to England. I really doubt if I ever see any combat if we go there. Please don't worry about me and do take care of yourselves.
More letters....next Tuesday.
“Two B-17’s Collide, Uncle Keith Died” by Gary Fredericksen, August 2009.
Family Archives and copies of official records
*Lannigan Family Tree
Harold Keith Fredericksen:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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