In August of 2012, Glenn Cederberg, at a gathering of
Frederiksen cousins and their descendents, asked me if I would like a
collection of postcards and letters that had belonged to my grandmother
Harriet. She had given them to Glenn
sometime after the death of her husband (Chris) in 1944 saying that they
belonged in the family and that she didn't know what to do with them. Glenn didn't know, at this stage in his life,
where they should go to be preserved.
Glenn sent them to me and I received them in late September
2012. There were 24 different items,
most of them written by Fred Frederiksen (my grandfather's brother) to his
mother and father, Christine and Frederik Frederiksen. Several were written by Fred's wife, Elda and
there are two other miscellaneous items.
They cover the time period from 1912 to 1938 with a heavy emphasis on
the World War I time period.
How these letters got from Christine and Fred to my
grandmother is not known. Glenn thought
that they could have been given to Chris and Harriet at the time of Christine's
death in June of 1943.
My intention is to transcribe these cards and letters at the
rate of about one per week and post them to this blog. I am also going to take the liberty of
pointing out some of the family history lessons learned from each item. I will also post the link to Facebook so that
other family may find them. I welcome
their comments.
Postcard - picturing the "Boy's Dormitory, Albion State
Normal School, Albion, Idaho". Postmarked
January, 29, 1912. Addressed to Mrs. F.
Frederiksen, Kilgore, Idaho
Jan. 28, 1912
Dear Mother, - I forgot to tell you in my letter that it is
soon time to pay board again. So I am
sending this to remind you. I am feeling fine and enjoying school life. How is the snow by this time? Not a bit here. Love to all, XXXXXXX Fritz
Fred is away at school in January of 1912, perhaps starting
in the fall of 1911.
Mom and Dad are paying the board.
Fred is using the nickname of "Fritz" which is not
seen in other letters or historical letters.
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